I made incredible changes from high school to college. I made very good grades in high school, and the material was not incredibly hard, I would take great notes, and study them the night before, but in college, could not always get by with that.

Association des Comités de Résidents Officielle du Québec
Pour défendre les droits des aînés vivant en RPA, de leurs proches aidants et des Comités de Milieu de Vie (CMV)
Association des Comités de Résidents Officielle du Québec
Pour défendre les droits des aînés vivant en RPA, de leurs proches aidants et des Comités de Milieu de Vie (CMV)
I made incredible changes from high school to college. I made very good grades in high school, and the material was not incredibly hard, I would take great notes, and study them the night before, but in college, could not always get by with that.